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Laguna Niguel Little League

Laguna Niguel Little League



When does Spring 2025 Registration open?

Early Bird Registration ($35 Discount): October 1, 2024 - November 26, 2024
Regular Registration: November 27, 2024 - December 31, 2024
Late Registration ($50 Late Fee): January 1, 2025 - January 10, 2025

When does the Spring 2025 Season start?  And how long does it go?

Opening Day is February 22nd and Closing Day is May 17th

During registration, there is a $250 deposit for a snack bar shift.... Can you explain this?

The $250 is a deposit to ensure you cover your snack bar shift.  The snack bar is the central fundraising tool for LNLL.  Proceeds from the snack bar largely cover the league’s expenses.   Every family is required to work a shift at the snack bar for each player enrolled in LNLL.  The deposit provides a simple form of accountability for the league in order to ensure the snack bar remains operational during the season.  To make it easier on families for the 2025 season, we have added an optional credit card charge, collected during registration, in lieu of the check option. If you choose this option and work your shift, the $250 charge can be refunded at the end of the league year. If you choose to write a check, it will be returned to you, or destroyed (whichever you choose) after the season. For those that do not fulfill your shift, the $250 will be charged/deposited.  There is also an option to buyout your shift for $250.

What division should I register my player for?


My player played Rookie last spring and will be League Age 6 this coming spring.  The system only allows me to register for Rookie again but I think my player is ready for Single A.  Can I register my player for Single A?

Yes, please complete the online registration for Rookie and contact the player agent  to adjust your registration manually. 

Can I make friend requests or request a specific Manager/Coach?

LNLL will do their best to accommodate friend requests in our T-Ball, Rookie and Single A Divisions.  You can also request to have a particular Manager during registration.  There are no manager or friend requests in our Drafted Divisions.

Can I be a Manager or an Assistant Coach?

ABSOLUTELY!  When you are registering your player, there is an option to do so.  And don’t worry if you don’t have much experience (or any for that matter), we will provide education and guidance!

What are Player Evaluations and does my player have to do this? 

Evaluations are for our players that are in the Drafted Division (8-12 years old only).  The League will send out communications regarding the date, location and times.  Your player will wear baseball pants and an athletic shirt, cleats and will bring their glove, helmet and bat(s).  They will go through batting, infield, outfield and pitching stations in front of the Managers from the AA, AAA and Majors Divisions, who will be evaluating their skills for the upcoming Draft.  Once they arrive, they should be through the process fairly quickly, however, it’s best to arrive early in order to sign-in and get warmed up.

In preparation for the season, what should my kid have in order to play Little League Baseball?

We recommend each player has rubber soled cleats, baseball pants, a baseball glove, a helmet and a bat (USA bats only).  If your player is a male, we also suggest athletic cups.  The league will provide socks, a belt, jerseys and a hat.  Drafted Divisions will receive practice jerseys and team jerseys. 

Who will my coach be?

LNLL is a volunteer run organization including team Managers and Coaches.  The Manager of the team is the head coach, and they can have two official assistant coaches with them on the field during games.  LNLL highly encourages parents to come out and help out at practices!  All coaches are parents of a player in the league.  If you decide to Manage a team, then you will have your child on your team.

When, where and at what time will my practices and games be held?

This is probably the most common question we receive.  Once registration ends, the Board of Directors are tasked with establishing the teams.  Around the same time, game schedules are being put together.  Once all of that is all complete, the manager of the team will reach out to their team parents directly to communicate what the schedules are.  This typically takes place just about a week before practices begin.  Bear in mind, all LNLL Managers are parents, so the choice of practice times and days are greatly influenced by the individual Managers availability.  On average, in Rookie, players will have one practice a week for 1 hour and games on Saturdays.  Single A players will have one practice a week for 1.5 hours and will have games on Saturdays. Tee ball practices are optional. Most Tee Ball coaches will not practice during the week but will have a practice before the games on Saturdays.   Double A, Triple A and Majors teams will have two practices a week, typically 1.5 – 2 hours each, as well as batting practice, and will play two games a week, one midweek and on Saturdays.

My player also plays another sport.  Is it OK if they do another sport and Little League at the same time?

In short, yes.  It is ok.  The only downside is if the other sport deeply conflicts with your baseball schedule.  We’ve had players split their time between two sports and missing practices and games does affect their team and their own ability to grow in the sport.  Missing a practice here and there is generally acceptable.

Does everyone get even playing time?

In the T-Ball, Rookie and Single A Divisions, most all of the players are still very much learning the game, so this should be less of a concern.  And in our Drafted Divisions, Little League has mandated playing rules, which you can read about HERE

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